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First off some background info :
had xp and a gtx 260. Decided to go 6950, eyefinity win7 x64

so formatted drive c: installed win7 left my games on the other drives
little tip when formatting c: it is better to backup c:games than it is to backup d:games :(

so testing all my games to see if they work on the new o/s I took some notes thought they may be helpful to someone
ps: my main concern was getting my games working havnt really spent much time investigating widescreen hacks

The games :

007 nightfire : eyefinity supported but view looks zoomed in
alpha prime : eyefinity nearly works messed up gfx on side monitors (run in window maybe?)
alpha protocol : eyefinity supported
American McGees Alice: no widescreen
assasins creed : can select eyefinty res but get 1650x1080 on centre monitor side monitors are blank
selecting 1650x1080 give same picture on each screen
avp gold : eyefinity but wrong fov (too wide too short) need avp gold beta patch
Apache Longbow Assault : no widescreen
aquanox : eyefinty works but stretched hud and wrong fov
aquanox 2 : eyefinty works but stretched hud and wrong fov
armed and dangerous : no widescreen
battle engine aquila : no widescreen
batman : eyefinity works
battlefield 2 : widescreen no eyefinity (beleive a hack exists toca edit?)
battlezone : eyefinity works need 1.5 beta
battlezone 2 : eyefinity works need 1.3 Public Beta 6
black and white : no widescreen
bw creature isle : no widescreen
Blacksite Area 51 : eyefinty works view is a bit zoomed in
bioshock : eyefinity works hud seems stretched
bioshock 2 : as b1
boiling point : eyefinity works
borderlands : eyefinity works cant see all menu items (too high) view seems slightly zoomed
bloodrayne : eyefinity works great
bloodrayne 2 : eyefinity works great use the fsaa tool
cod : no widescreen
cod uo : no widescreen
cod 2 : eyefinity works fine
cod 4 : eyefinity but bad fov (too short, too wide)
chaser : eyefinity works fine
Chrome specforce : no widescreen
clive barkers undying: no widescreen
clive barkers jericho: eyefinty works fov 5:4/16:10/16:9 still looks too short too wide
comanche 4 : no widescreen
C& C Renegade : eyefinity works (i think) but top of menu isnt visable so cant see to start a game (could try and guess)
conflict desert storm: no widescreen
conflict ds2 : no widescreen
Cross Racing Championship :no eyefinity
crysis : eyefinity works fine
crysis warhead : eyefinity works fine
dark horizon : eyefinity works hud a little bit stretched
dark messiah : no eyefinity widescreen ok
dead space : eyefinity works fine
deadly dozen : no widescreen resolutions
delta force bhd : no widescreen
descent 3 : no widescreen
descent 3 merenary : no widescreen
deus ex : no eyefinity
devastation : no widescreen
dirt 2 : eyefinity
doom 3 : no widescreen
doom 3 - RoE : no widescreen
driver : no widescreen
elite force : wont start mission
elite force 2 : ctd changed cat a.i to quality no tripple buffer and it worked no widdescreen
enclave : works great hud on centre monitor fov looks good
Enemy Engaged apache vs Havok : eyefinty offerd but ctd. widescreen ok
Enemy Engaged Comanche vs Hokum : eyefinty offerd but ctd. widescreen ok
Enemy Engaged 2 : ctd if you dont del the videos eyefinity works but rov not good (too tall too wide)
enemy territory quake wars : no eyefinity
fable : eyefinity but max res 4040x800 ???
Fahrenheit : no widescreen
farcry : eyefinity works but messed up fov bottom of screen looks cut off
farcry 2 : eyefinity works but messed up fov everything looks zoomed in
fear : eyefinity works
fear extraction point: max res 1024x768 ??? wtf!!!
flatout : eyefinity but wrong fov (too short, too wide)
flatout 2 : eyefinity but wrong fov (too short, too wide)
ford street racing : eyefinity but wrong fov (too short, too wide)
forsaken : eyefinty res offered but ctd if selected
freedom force : eyefinity works
freedom force 3rd reich : eyefinty works
freespace 2 : eyefinty works but stretched hud fix in forum not tried yet
freelancer : no widescreen
Frontlines-Fuel of War: eyefinty works fov wrong but only a little (too short too wide)
fuel : no eyefinity resolutions offered
ghost recon 1 : eyefinity works
ghost recon 2 : eyefinity works
gta vice city : eyefinity but wrong fov (too short, too wide)
gta san andreas : no eyefinity res offered
gothic 4 : eyefinity works fine
grid : eyefinity works fine
gtr evolution : eyefinity works fine
gtr 2 : eyefinity works fine
gt legends : eyefinity works fine
gunship works : eyefinity res offered, but when you run the game you get 640x480 duplicated in each monitor
half life : no widescreen
hl opposing force : no widescreen
heavy metal fakk2 : no widescreen
heretic 2 : no widescreen only works in a window
hitman contracts : no widescreen resolutions offered adding 5040x1050 works if you go into gfx options it resets. fov seems to be out a bit.
homeworld : no widescreen
igi 2 : eyefinty works but you can see the characters left arm and it looks wierd
IL2 : no widescreen
independance war 2 : eyefinty res available but wont switch to it
infernal : eyefinty works but fov is wrong (too short too wide)
iron storm : eyefinty works fov is out a bit (too short too wide)
jade empire : eyefinity works
jedi academy : no widescreen resolutions, but 2400x600 surround hud is slightly stretched and view is too high up when switching to lighsabre you cant see your character just the top of his sabre
jedi outcast : no widescreen
just cause : no widescreen
just cause 2 : eyefinity works
kingpin : no widescreen will only run in a window
kotor 2 : no widescreen
lego racers : no widescreen no video options whatsoever
lost planet : eyefinity works
mafia : eyefinity works
mass effect : eyefinty works but is not quite right somehow
Marvel Ultimate Alliance : no eyefinity
max payne : eyefinty but wrong fov (too wide too short)
max payne 2 : eyefinty but wrong fov (too wide too short)
men of valour : no widescreen
mercenaries 2 : has a widescreen option but wont let me select it max res 1024x768 (sure i could do 1680 with 1 monitor)
midnight club 2 : widescreen works although I cant find the video options
midtown madness 2 : no widescreen 16bit colour
mirrors edge : i can select eyefinity res but it turns my outer 2 monitors off
morrowind : no wiedescreen
motogp urt : can select eyefinty res but screen flashes like crazy then ctd widescreen ok
nfs hot pursuit 2 : no widescreen
nfs hot pursuit 2010 : eyefinity works
nfs most wanted : no widescreen
nfs underground 2 : no widescreen
nfs carbon : no widescreen
Nfs Undercover : widescreen but messed up fov too tall too thin
nfs shift : eyefinity works had to set win98 compatablity
nitro stunt racing : can select eyefinity res but game wont run widescreen ok
No One Lives Forever : no widescreen (there is a widescreen mod available)
nosferatu wrath of malachi : no widescreen. cant find any way to set the res
overlord : eyefinity works
overlord2 : eyefinity works
overspeed : no eyefinity
painkiller : no widescreen
pariah : widescreen no eyefinity
prey : no widescreen but, does let you set aspect ratio
Prince of Persia : no eyefinity
prince of persia sot : no widescreen
project nomads : no widescreen
project snoblind : no widescreen
quake 3 : no widescreen apart from 848x480
quake 3 team arena : same as quake 3
quake 4 : widescreen no eyefinity
rainbow 6 vegas 2 : eyefinity but wrong fov (too short, too wide)
red faction : widescreen must install purefaction
red faction guerrila : no eyefinity but option to select number of monitors (may need to disable group)
return to wolfenstein: no widescreen
rfactor : eyefinty works
riddick ebb : eyefinty works very badly everything is massively zoomed in widescreen ok
rogue trooper : no widescreen
rollcage stage 2 : ctd if i run with eyefinity res widescreen ok
republic commando : crash unless bumpmapping set to low no widescreen
rune : no eyefinity, widescreen ok
sacrifice : no widescreen
serious sam : no widescreen
serious sam se : no widescreen
serious sam 2 : no eyefinity
severance : eyefinity but wrong fov (too short, too wide) need ropengl
shadow ops rm : no widescreen
stalker soc : works fine eyefinty but fully dynamic lighting causes wierd shadow problems
stalker clear sky : same as soc
Stalker Call Of Pripyat : same as stalker
scapland : works eyefinty but fov is wrong (short and fat)
shadowman : cant test cant find my cd
shogo : widescreen 1680 works no eyefinity
soldier of fortune : no widescreen no fullscreen had to rename to mohaa.exe for ati drivers
soldier of fortune 2 : no widescreen
space seige : eyefinity works
Spellforce 2 : no widescreen
split second/velocity: eyefinity works
swat 4 : no widescreen (you can ini hack according to master games list)
star assault : no eyefinity
starwars kotor : no widescreen
starwars battlefront : no widescreen
system shock : no widescreen
trackmania nations : eyefinity ok
Terrorist Takedown 2 : eyefinity ok
the punisher : no widescreen
the regiment : eyefinity works but view seems magnified
the suffering : no widescreen
timeshift : eyefinity works hud elements stretched
tribes 2 : eyefinity but wrong fov (too short, too wide)
tribes 3 : no eyefinity
true crime streets of l.a : no wide screen
ubersoldier : no widescreen
unreal : no eyefinity
unreal tournament : no eyefinity
unreal tournament 3 : eyefinity but wrong fov
unreal 2 : eyefinity but view looks zoomed in
venetica : eyefinity ok
vietcong 2 : no widescreen except for 2400/2516x600
vtm redemption : eyefinity offered but wont switch
vtm bloodlines : no widescreen
Wheel of Time : no widescreen
wolfenstein : can select eyefinity res but only centre monitor works (fov is right for 1 monitor)
world racing : eyefinity works fine
x2 : eyefinity but the target camera fill the top bit of 1 monitor the space at the sides of the target monitor are plain grey when it should be the outside view (no prob if target monitor is turned off)
x3 : eyefinity works
x-com enforcer : widescreen, no eyefinity
xIII : 1024x768 max res no widescreen
xwing alliance : no widescreen

Not Working

ford racing 2
lock on

Arx Fatalis
fifa 07
gothic 2 (sure it worked first time) edit: it does work no idea why I said it doesnt
project freedom
StarShatter (needs re install)
the thing ctd
True Crime® New York City (game thinks its not installed)

f:games 2
avp 2 game not installed issue
lego starwars ctd
operation flashpoint (needs to be re installed to enter cdkey)
superbike 2001 (crashes)
the witcher (not installed)
tron 2 (not installed)

f:games 3
battle of britain 2 : (cant find reg key)
breed : (crash)
delta force xtreme : (doesnt run at all)
f1 + mods : crash at race start
ground control 2 : (cdkey not found no option to enter key)
hardwar : says please run game from hardwar manager but cant find it - needs re-install
hidden and dangerous 2 : cant find cdkey nowhere to enter it needs reinstall
motorcross madness 2 : please reinstall
powerslide : crash
red faction 2 : crash but apparently can be fixed with a hex editor

mechwarrior 4 mercenaries : need re install
mechwarrior 4 vengence : need re install
revoulution : wont launch from launcher needs re install
starwars racer : needs re install
tarr chronicles : supports widescreen in xp (ctd in win7x64) can select eyefinity res but ctd
theif 3 : wont run
unreal tournament 2004 : needs re install cant find cd key

fallout 3 : needs re install
beyond good & evil : wont run also get error eax not installed alchemy doesnt help
bia road to hill 30 : wont run steam version does maybe i can install my game under steam ?
deus ex 2 : viktoria error (i know it works for other people will need to re install)
dcs blackshark : complaines it cant find some file need to re install
echelon wind wariors : says its not installed
evolva : ctd
hostile waters : ctd beleive it does run with win7 (x64 unknown) will re install
flaming cliffs 2 : complaines it cant find some file need to re install
nexus the jupiter incident : says invalid cdkey nowhere to enter it needs re install
nfs 3 hot pursuit : black screen not responding, win98 compat runs super slow <1 fps
nfs porsche challenge : ctd but does let me select an eyefinity res
nolf 2 : needs re install
Prince of Persia The Two Thrones : needs re install
gta4 : needs reinstall
two worlds 2 : needs re install

ps: If your wondering what is the Sacred Terabyte of Gaming Goodness

to quote the legendary modern day philosopher mr J. Clarkson
"Behold the magnificence" (taken before I wiped xp)

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Widescreen Gaming Forum • View topic (2025)
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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.