Love Island Australia: Season 2, Episode 27 script (2024)

It's time to test the Islanders on how well they know their partner during 'Dunk In Love' and one couple makes it official. Love is in the air.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[violin music playing]

Previously on Love Island Australia...

[babies crying]


[narrator] Babies, babies, babies...

Looking after a baby for a day
is a great form of contraception.

-[Charlie Jr cries]

I'm ready to sign the adoption papers.

Anyone? Brangelina?


And Blake and Margarita were dumped.

[Margarita] Love Island didn't give us
the match made in heaven,

the happily ever after with eight babies,

but it definitely gave me
a whole heap of friendships.

[narrator] That's lovely.

But it's not Friend Island, Pina Colada.


Does anything rhyme with Cynthia?

How do you spell Cartier?

[narrator] Poetry...

-Jessie, you are very sexy.

-Cartier, you have my heart, yay.

[narrator] And a proposal...

[Anna] What are you doing?

I'm feeling nervous.

[Josh] I usually don't do
the big things like this.


[narrator] Then...

[Sophie] This is the big one.

Welcome to the most important night
of your Love Island experience so far.

[narrator] Big voice time.





Who will be the final three?


[theme music playing]

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

Jessie and Todd and Margarita and Blake,

Australia has been voting
for their favourite couple.

you are the bottom two couples.

♪ We are the soldiers
You are the saint ♪

Anna and Josh, Cynthia and Aaron,
and Cartier and Matthew,

you are the top three couples.

And now you must decide who you send home.

♪ We can hear the hounds are coming ♪

The couple we'll be dumping
from the villa is...

Blake and Margarita.

Blake and Margarita.

[Sophie] That's two votes out of three.

And I am afraid that does mean
that you've been dumped from the island.

♪ We are warriors ♪

The rest of you, congratulations.

You're the final four couples
of Love Island Australia.

-[Sophie] Goodnight, guys.

[Jessie] I am so grateful to be here
in the top four.

Todd and I obviously have that spark.

I'm just head over heels for him.

I can't believe where I am.

I can't wait to see
what the next few days bring.

-[Jessie] That was really sad.
-[Todd] Oh...

I didn't think a man could make me cry,
but he's...

Well, not cry, but nearly cry.
Very close to.

Um, but he has.

[Todd] Blake and I,
we had a bit of a bromance going on.

Watching him go was very much
watching your best mate leave.

So... Yeah, it was pretty tough for me.

Obviously, I'm more happy that we stayed,
but... Oh, geez.

I didn't expect it to shake me up
that much like it did. Um...

You've actually made my heart melt,
like, 50 times today. [chuckles]

[Jessie] Todd and I both know
that when we leave the villa,

I'm going back to Tasmania,
he's going to Melbourne.

We need to make the most of our time
in the villa so we can make sure

that we'll last on the outside.

We'll use whatever time we have.


We're surviving.

We're connecting each and every day,
working and building to something better.

It's nice to hear you say that

'cause I feel sometimes you get to a point
where you really like someone

and you're like, "My God,
my feelings are growing.

Do they feel the same way about me?"

Yeah, but of course... I'm the exact same.

We obviously have a great connection.

I've never had a doubt that we do.

Obviously, I'm so into him.

So, it's amazing to just hear it
from Aaron's lips

and to just, you know,
make me feel at ease.

-We're definitely on the same page.
-Okay, good.



-I can't believe we're in the final four.
-I know.


-I did not expect that, if I'm honest.

Even if we were to leave,
we're comfortable.

-We know where we stand with one another

and where we're going to be
on the outside,

that's not a concern,

I'm just happy now that I get to spend
another whole day with you.

I know!

[Josh] Me and Anna, this is
week number five for us being together,

so we've been through a lot in this villa.

I'm 100% committed to her inside the villa

and in the outside world as well.

♪ I'm not here to save your soul ♪

♪ I'm just here to hold you
But you don't see the reason ♪

♪ I know what is your reason ♪

Did you think we'd be here last week?


It's a pleasant, sweet...


I'm loving every bit of it.

-Are you?

-Every second?
-Every second.

-Of every day with me?

I can't wait to spend
the next days with you.

♪ You are the moon ♪

♪ And I can't even start to describe it ♪

That's sweet.

[Cartier] Me and Matthew did take,
like, a big step and a big risk

moving out of the friend zone.

I feel lucky and jittery
when I'm with Matt,

so I think it was a risk worth taking.

You make me happy, Cartier.

-Wouldn't wanna share it with anyone else.
-Oh, that's sweet.

♪ You and I, we're a billion miles away ♪

[narrator] ♪ Unh, Love Island ♪

♪ Unh, in the shower ♪

♪ Unh, fresh armpit ♪

♪ About to sing a song, yeah
Here we go ♪

♪ Two girls twerking
Yeah, shaking their asses ♪

♪ Two people in a Dutch oven
Letting off gases ♪

♪ Lights go out
They start getting it on ♪

♪ People getting sexy
From dusk till dawn ♪

♪ They're grooving in the dark
With the one they love most ♪

♪ Exchanging their saliva
To be honest, it's gross ♪

♪ The human mouth contains
Four billion bacteria ♪

♪ That's more than the toilet
In our cafeteria ♪

♪ Gingivitis, tonsillitis
So many infections ♪

♪ Blisters and ulcers
Ooh, what a selection ♪

♪ Did you know cold sores
Are herpes on your face? ♪

♪ If you get 'em you can spread 'em
All over the place ♪

♪ I'm sorry
I appear to have already digressed ♪

♪ It's time for the couples
To get up and get dressed ♪


Poem time!

No, literally, the guys are writing poems.

Which was definitely their idea,

not an idea the producers recycled
from season one.

[Josh] All right, let's do it.

How do you spell Cartier?


[narrator] To be fair,
Cartier is a seven-letter nightmare.

If only it was spelt out
in a place prominent enough

for Matthew to learn it. Oh, shame...

Roses are red, violets are blue,

I really see a future with you.

Is that not bad?

It's not bad.

How do you spell violets?

[Matthew] A good love poem
is when you capture all your feelings

and you put it down onto paper

and it just absolutely rocks
the jocks off your partner,

or whoever you're trying
to direct your love poem to.

Can anyone rhyme anything with Cynthia?

Mince, synth, crinth...

It's hard, hey?

-[Josh] That's really tough.

My vocabulary is limited as it is,

so poetry kind of pushes me
to my boundaries.

Cynthia, I can see us being together, ya.

Cartier, you have my heart, yay.


There is a lot of good-looking people,
but, don't think too many of us

have been reading the dictionary recently.

[Josh] I need a rhyming word for bed.

So, where it's tight as...
Something that rhymes with bed.

Shed. Cred.

We're as tight as...


That's not very tight, is it?

[Anna] I'm interested to know
what they're doing for us.

Quite cute, really.

Very cute.

There's nothing better
than when guys put in a nice effort

to make you happy and smile.

"Five weeks on,
we're like butter on bread.

Which could only be separated
by bugs in the bed."

That's good as. That's actually...

That's really good.

I need, like, another two lines, I reckon.

Talk from the heart, brother.
That's all you can do.

Poetry is from the heart.

I wouldn't say I'm a good poet,

but I'd definitely give Shakespeare
a run for his money.

Oh, look at how excited you are!

We've been brainstorming,
we've come together

and we think you ladies deserve
us to cook for you this morning.

We've planned
a romantic breakfast for you.

-[Cynthia] Thanks, guys.

-So, do you want to come outside with us?
-[Anna] Oh, it's ready?

Oh, no, it's not ready. [laughs]

Do you know how to work a barbie?

Do I know how to work a barbie?
Of course not!

[both laugh]

We're slightly concerned,
but we're going to go with it.

It's the effort, the thought that counts.

Hot damn, boys!

Girls, could you turn on
the barbie for us? [laughs]

He'll learn how to turn it on. [laughs]

Uh, I'm just going to hold this down, bro.

[Jessie] I don't know
how to turn a barbecue on.

If you do, don't tell them.
We need to watch them suffer.

-[Josh] There's some flames.
-[Matthew] It's getting hot.

-There's a bit of wind.
-She's on!

We basically have four slaves
at our assistance whenever we need.

-Four good-looking slaves.
-Four good-looking slaves.


Whoa! Hey, hey!

Do you think Matt's ever touched a barbie?

-[Matthew] Who wants a sausage?

We've been here for five weeks.
I'll take as many sausages as I can get.


Oh, Jessie,
let's not get frisky at the table.

Yeah, work it.

Can you do a twerk and cook?

[Cynthia] Oh!

It looks like we're gonna need buns
with our sausages.

[girls laughing]

[Anna] Matthew's doing a lot of posing
by the barbecue.

-He thinks he's on a model shoot 24/7.
-He does.

Is it nearly ready?

Oh, my God!

I've never seen a man
butcher so many eggs! [chuckles]

[Todd] Oh, God!


[Todd and Matthew laughing]

I think he needs
a one-on-one cooking lesson with me.


Steady along here.

Oh, my goodness!

-[Anna] Oh, altogether!
-[Cynthia] Oh, my gosh!

This is so good!

[Matthew laughs]


One, two...

[all] Breakfast is served!

[girls laughing]

-[Cartier] Thank you!
-[Anna gasps]

-Oh, my goodness!
-Oh, my God...!

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Can't think without you on my mind
And I can't sleep ♪

Oh, my God, thank you!

This looks so good.

We've got three pieces of toast,
triangled for you.

Oh, my God!

I'll go and get you ketchup.

Guys, this is amazing.

Guys, look, I just have
one random yolk. [laughs]

[Anna] I'm so impressed.

[narrator] And I'm impressed
the villa hasn't burned down yet.

Thank you, boys, this looks amazing!

-Thanks, guys.
-Thank you.

I'm not even hungry
'cause I've been slaving over it all day.

[Matthew] Did you think that we were gonna
cook you such a great breakfast today?

Ten out of ten. Out of the park.

Have you cooked breakfast in bed
for your partners before?

Yeah, when he's sick.

That's really cute of you.
I'm sick. [coughs]

You'll be in for a treat.

No, I get sick...


The one thing I promised my mum,
that I wouldn't have bad table manners.

And I was talking
to Cartier with my mouth full

and a little bit of a sausage
had fallen out of my mouth. [chuckles]

This sausage is great.
I love this sausage. [chuckles]

I can't wait
till I actually have a sausage.

In bread, with tomato sauce
when I get out.

-That's where I was heading with that.
-I'm just confirming.

-I kept my ears pricked up there.
-You were like, "What?"

-I'm excited to see more of the Goldie.

The perception of the Goldie
that I kind of had growing up

is associated to, like,
a surfer's paradise and like that.

Super, like touristy.
So I'm always a bit like, "Oh, Goldie..."

I'll show you the secret spots.
Lookouts, waterfalls,


I'm excited.


That was good.

I loved the fact
how the guys went all out.

They were always asking us,
like, what we wanted

and the brekkie was really good.

This is, like, the cutest thing ever.

Not bad,
I think the meat's cooked through.

It's not something I'll do every day,
just so you know. [laughs]

-That's okay.
-Just to let you know.

-It's nice once in a while...
-Yeah., like, you know,
put in the extra effort.

When you first came in,

could you see me and you making it
to this point?



I could tell there was
serious chemistry between us.

I wasn't thinking this far ahead,
I was just thinking,

"I really liked this girl from the get-go.
There's something special about her."

Yeah, no, we stepped it up today.
Really put it all out on the line

and showed the girls
how much they mean to us.

Right, ladies, I hope
you're enjoying your breakfast.

after we slaved away over the stoves
all morning for you.

Uh, look, now that we're in
the top four final couples,

we thought four top blokes
would write you poems.

[girls] Aw.

Who doesn't love slamming on
a little poetry?

[narrator] Brace yourselves, people...

This is my little poem for you, Cynthia.

-Cynthia, you make my heart melt.

We've found each other
and it's the best I've felt.

You brighten my day every time we speak.

You always make me look on fleek.


You take forever to get ready for the day.

But no need to worry,
you take my breath away.


Queen C, I hope you enjoy
this breakfast treat.

I know you'll love it
because it has no meat.


[narrator] Mm, the rhyme's solid.

Marks deducted for adult man
using the term "on fleek".

Six out of ten.

Yeah, I think that the boys
just wanted to show us girls

how special we are to them.

And we really appreciate it.

Here's something I prepared earlier.


Todd gets nervous and embarrassed.

Firstly, the fact
that he was standing up there already

was making my heart melt.

-Jessie, you are very sexy.

Our first meeting was pretty messy.

Roses are red, violets are blue,

you are small,
but your personality is huge.


I don't mind that you came from Tazzy

because your dance moves are quite snazzy.


I can't wait to see
where our journey will take us.

I promise I won't stuff up,
like Eoghan, and break us.

-[all] Oh!

My feelings are growing stronger for you.

You can now be a part of my crew.

-[all cheering]
-[narrator] Excellent Eoghan burn.

Marks deducted for rhyming blue with huge.

Seven out of ten.

My favourite line will be,

"doesn't mind I come from Tazzy
'cause my dance moves are quite snazzy."

I think that was really creative.
I really like where he said,

he can't wait where our journey
will take us.

That really stood out to me.

Mine is called
Cartier, You Have My Heart, Yay.


Roses are red, violets are blue,
I can see a great future with you.

I always knew
I would have a chat with intent,

our relationship is just like cement.

I've put a lot of eggs in your basket,

but I know we'll never hit a casket.

[all chuckling]

You are a tight little number,

I know I'll never lose... No...

I know you'll never let me
lose any slumber.

Cartier, you have my heart, yay.

-[all cheering]

Lovely integration of Island catchphrases.

Marks deducted for inability
to form coherent sentences.

Three out of ten.

Go, you!

It's so good when a guy opens up to you
and tells you how they feel.

Like, it doesn't happen often.

So, you know,
I was just taking every word.

[clears throat]

Back to the day I met you, Anna,

although you were wearing a fake tanner.


You rise above the other girls
by starting to dig my luscious curls.

Five weeks on, we're like butter on bread.

Which could only be separated
by bugs in the bed.


You're funny and caring, sweet and kind.

You put up with my twin,
and when I fart, you don't mind.



It's time to enjoy the bacon and view,

there's no-one else
I'd rather share this with than you

because this is a love story
that is coming true.

-[all cheering]

Highlighting Anna's fake tan, bad.

Dissing other girls, worse.

Farts in a love poem,
red card, sackable offence.

Zero out of ten.

Every single girl was blown away
by what the boys had put together.

That was sweet. Thank you.

It was written straight from the heart.

He writes "violets".

Crosses it out
and writes the exact same underneath.


-I will keep that, though.
-Yeah, you'd better keep that.

I'll have a box for us, don't you worry.

My Matthew box collection
will start with this.

Aw, it'll start Matthew's 107th box, too.

This morning has been so amazing.
And I feel very special.

-You deserve it.
-I always feel special with you.

I'm going to keep this poem
for ever and ever and ever.

A little bit of rhyming
and humour as well.

I think you've just hit the nail
on the head.

I'm a part of his crew now,
so I think that means, like,

good things when we're out of here.

I'm not very good at the old poetry.

-No, you were really good. I like it.
-[Josh laughs]

I appreciate you.

-You did well today.

Very well.

You make me very happy.

I do mind when he farts. [chuckles]

[narrator] It's the final week
of Love Island Australia

and there's only one question
on everyone's mind...

Who allowed Todd
to wear that shirt and hat combo?

-[phone chimes]

I've got a text!

[all] Hey!

"Islanders, it's time to see
how well you know your partner

in today's challenge Dunk In Love."

[all] Yeah!


[all cheering]

I love a good challenge.
Let's go, guys. Let's go. Come on.

We're a little behind,
we haven't known each other for as long,

but the depth we know each other
is going to absolutely smoke these guys.

I will recap the more basic stuff.
How many siblings?

Guess. You should already know.


-Three siblings, 11, 18, 20.

Two dogs, Eddie and Shadow.
Two parents, Mum and Dad.

Wait, what's my full name?

It's Jessie...

-blank Winter. Jessie...



Um... Ooh.

Okay. Favourite shape.

[narrator] Ooh, Rhombus! It's gotta be
a rhombus! Come on, rhombus!

-A circle.
-A circle.

[narrator] F***!

We've been asking each other
some questions.

I'd say we know each other pretty well.

Favourite colour?

I like all colours.



Yeah, my favourite colour is brown!

-Is it?

Purple? Pink?

Maybe orange.

-Favourite colour?
-It's, like, pastel orange.

Mine's gold.

Gold? Why gold?

'Cause it means number one, you've won.

Josh and Anna
will definitely be our toughest...


Yeah. But I think we will come through
with the goods, I think.

What sex questions
do we not know about each other?

-Have you ever been in a threesome?

-You've been in two.

-I'd say three.

-You said two.

You can't add a threesome
into the f*cking roll call.

I'm saying three.

Embarrassing sex stories.
Do you have any of those?

-Ooh. Embarrassing sex stories...

Uh, not really embarrassing,
but it was strange.

-Strange? What am I in for?

No, it was after watching
50 Shades Of Grey,

we decided to try to recreate
one of the scenes.

But, it was... Yeah, it rattled me,
to tell you the truth.

I'm surprised about the whole
50 Shades Of Grey thing. [laughs]

I don't take you for a kinky man.

Favourite sex position.

[narrator] Oh, rhombus!
Gotta be a rhombus! Come on, rhombus!


[narrator] Double f***!

Yours is cowgirl.

Yeah. f*cking hell.

Do you have a pet name for your cha-cha?

-No, I don't.
-You don't?

Not the Holy Grail or something?

You can call it that if you want to.

[laughs] The Holy Grail!

Mine's called Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.


Once I ate a kebab while I was having sex.
That was fun.

A kebab and a KitKat I've done,
at different times.

-I didn't have them together.
-How are we talking about it?

-Were you doggying with your kebab?

I was on top, just munching into a kebab.
It was so good.

It was a double whammy,
sex and kebab. [laughs]

The ultimate pleasure.

Favourite food?

-Food to me is energy.
-Is it steak?

You always say that, which is so weird.

-Food to me is energy. I don't have...

Because it just is what it is.

-I feel we know each other pretty well.
-We talk a lot.

Mine would be pizza. But, like, in Italy.

-Not just ordinary pizza.
-You've been to Italy?

Excuse me, I just did an exchange
in Milan for six months.

We've had this conversation.

-In Milan?

That's not Italy.

-Yes, it is, Milan is in Italy.
-Oh, Milan, Italy...

Yeah, okay. Never mind.

Favourite fruit?



And yours is the orange watermelon.


Cantaloupe is like an animal, I think.

The pressure is on.

We need to seriously smash this one
out of the ballpark.

Otherwise Josh will be mad at me
for the rest of the day.

After watching Australia's future leaders

flex their intellectual muscles,
safe to say we're doomed!

But who cares about the future

when we have sexy slo-mo right now?

As we know, today's game is Dunk In Love.

Islanders, it's quiz time!

[all] Yeah!

[narrator] The Islanders sit atop
two brightly coloured tanks.

I assume the pink is for the boys

because we are so edgy in the way
we challenge gender stereotypes.

-Anna and Josh, you're up.

Oh, it's cold! [laughs]

[narrator] As couples,
the Islanders will be asked questions

about their partners.

Josh, what is Anna's favourite fruit?

[narrator] If they answer correctly,
the couple is safe.

Get the answer wrong
and they're both slam dunked

into a giant vat of shame-flavoured water.



Aw. That's so cute!

Very weird.

What's Anna's favourite fruit?

-A "popagranate".

Sorry, what's Anna's favourite fruit?

-A "popagranate".

What is Josh's pet name for his penis?

[Josh] Oh.

What? [laughs]

How would I know that?

King D?

Have you got it ready?

-The Terminator.



[Josh] I put down The Terminator.

It's been through tough times,
but always manages to rise back up.

-[both laughing]

Next up, Cynthia and Aaron.

What is Aaron's favourite movie?


He doesn't have one
because it's lots of movies that he likes.


I would never have got... [screams]

-[Anna laughs]

I would never have got that!

Even I knew
Aaron's favourite movie, Spirit.

The one with the horses
and they can't talk.

What is Cynthia's spirit animal?

[laughs] These are hard!

A lion?



A lion is what I want to be like.

I said a peaco*ck.


I'd say I'm a peaco*ck.
That's my spirit animal.

I wouldn't think me and Cynthia
are that much alike. Would you?

-You are quite different.
-We're polar opposites.

I don't know where she get that from.

Name Cartier's siblings.

[Cartier chuckles]

Even I know, you shouldn't get them wrong.

Justice, Raven, and Blake.

-[Jessie] Aw.

Cartier won't shut up about them,
so it'd be embarrassing

if I didn't know their names.

-I love my brothers.

Who would Matt say
his celebrity look-alike is?

[Anna laughs]

Heath Ledger?

Heath Ledger?

Ashton Kutcher.

Oh, yeah.

[all cheering and applauding]

[Cartier] I think I came up
quite elegantly.

[Matthew] So did I.

I came up looking like Daniel Craig
out of the water in James Bond.

[Cartier chuckles]

What is Jessie's
most embarrassing sex story? [laughs]

Vic's dick.


[Anna] And Jessie?

Vic's dick.

Once I had a cold
and I rubbed Vicks rub all over my chest.



And then we started having sex
and we were both like,

"f*ck, this sex is on fire!"

And then, like, literally,
we were on fire!

And it was so painful and we stopped.

That one's stuck in my mind,
probably burned there for ever.

[both laugh]

Whenever Jessie's got a cold,

I'll be staying clear
of the household, I'm sure.

Which celebrity
would Todd most like to sleep with?


Um, Jessica Alba?

I went with Taylor Hill.

-[all] Hey!

♪ Oh, snap ♪

♪ Is she serious? ♪

♪ Is she a good girl or is she devious? ♪

So, yeah, Taylor Hill was a bit of a...
Growing up, I had a bit of a fantasy...

Taylor Hill?

Taylor Hill, she was a Vic's Secret model.

What is Jessie's favourite
ice cream topping?

Oh, that's hard.

I've decided to go a bit left to centre.

I know she has a sweet tooth,

so I've gone salted caramel sorbet.

I like to make a shmix,
so just mix them all together.

A shmix, okay.

You should have known that.
I said that... [screams]


[Cynthia] Everybody is down.

Everybody knows I love my shmixes.

She just puts the randomest foods
into a combination into a bowl.

I saw her today have, like,
a chicken with a banana.

[Cynthia] That was hard.

Jessie nearly fell from the rooftop.

Corn chips and Nutella,
that's a basic shmix.

-But that one's good.

Thank you for playing Dunk In Love.

[all cheering and applauding]

[narrator] With no clear winner,
the boys claim victory

and celebrate
by throwing Anna in the pool.



[narrator] Sober cameraman Steve.

Drunk cameraman Steve.

Tequila cameraman Steve.

Steve, pull it together.
You just need to track to the boys.

-I need to speak to you real quick.
-What's up, brother?

I'm gonna ask Anna
to be my girlfriend tonight.

-That's awesome, brother.

I've been thinking about asking Anna
to be my girlfriend for a week now.

-I need help from you boys.
-What do you need?

I was gonna set up the L-bend,

we've gotta pick out some flowers
from outside, make it nice.

We've been together now for over a month,

it's about time I step up
and just pop the question.

I'm going to ask Anna out tonight.

[girls] Aw.


I'm sure of Anna and I'd like to see
if she's sure of me as well.

Don't let her leave the make-up room
or the bedroom.

And me and the boys are, like,
organising a little set-up on the L-bend.

I'll take her there, have a chat with her,
then ask her out there.

As soon as Josh came up to us,
it was all hands on deck.

All the boys
putting their full 100% effort

in try to help Josh out

and make the evening magical
for him and Anna.

Right, fellas.

[Aaron] We were full bore, out of the door

gathering as many flowers
and petals as we could.

We were like,
"Make a love heart, set this up."

And I was just like,
"Throw flowers everywhere."

[Aaron] Oh, this is awesome.


The turnout was incredible.

Oh, look at this, this is...

f*ck, yes.

I'd definitely say yes
if a girl did this to me.

I mean, I love a lot of things
about Anna, everything about Anna.

She's just very supportive
and understanding about everything.

And that's what being
in a relationship is,

is having each other's backs
and understanding one another.

I think me and her will be perfect
on the outside world together.

-[breathes deeply]
-You've got this.

-I believe in you.
-I'm shaking.

-No, it's good.
-[Aaron] It's good that you're shaking.

[indistinct chattering]

You've just got to remember how to do it.

[Josh] I'm feeling nervous.

I usually don't do big things like this.

I usually do it pretty low-key.
So, yeah...

Yeah, definitely feeling it a bit.

You guys all ready?

You want to have a chat?

I'm not mentally prepared
for a no, so... [laughs]

That would be a real kick in the teeth

and it'll be an early exit out
of the villa doors if there's a no.


-Let's have a chat.
-Look at my hands.

-[exhales sharply] All right...

What are you doing? [chuckles]

-[Anna] What are you doing?
-[Josh] Don't look.

-Watch my eyelashes.
-I will. I will.

Okay, what are you doing?

What are you doing? [laughs]

Oh, my God!

-Do you want to go down?

♪ You're making me feel something
I can't comprehend ♪

♪ Blood rushing to my head ♪

-Oh, my God, this is so cute.
-[breathes deeply]

[chuckles] Are you nervous?

-A bit nervous.
-You look nervous.

Have a seat.

-This is so cute.

It all started back on the L-bend
five weeks ago.

[laughs] I know!

We gave each other
the look here. [chuckles]

[Josh] And ever since then,
like, it's just grown.

And I'm just so grateful
I get to sleep next to you every night.

There's no-one else
I'd rather choose to do that with.


You honestly make me
so happy and nervous. [chuckles]

-I'm so nervous right now being with you.
-[both laughing]

Yeah, you do that to me.
You make me very nervous.

And I've had one of the best times
of my life here.

And it's been down to you.

I came looking for a partner.

I feel we're the lucky ones.
We've found each other in here.

We've got through this together
and I feel like you're one of the nicest,

most down-to-earth girls I've ever met

and I feel like
you just understand me completely

and allow me to be me.

And there's not much more for us
to do in here

besides just one thing.

Anna, would you like to be my girlfriend?

-[chuckles] Yeah!

[Anna] Aw.

[whispers] I reckon she said yes.

You look so cute.

[Todd] It's got to be a yes.

You can't do this much kissing
and not say yes.


That was the cutest thing ever. [laughs]

Oh, I was so nervous.

Thank you. You've made me so happy.

-Did she say yes?
-[both] Yeah.

[all cheering and applauding]

-Yes, brother!

[overlapping dialogues]

I have a boyfriend! [chuckles]

[Anna] I'm so happy.
I can't stop smiling, so...

Yeah. It's a good feeling. [chuckles]

Our first cheers to us
being boyfriend and girlfriend

and many more to come.

-[all cheering and applauding]

[Josh] Oh, thanks, guys.

That is, like, literally the nicest thing
that anyone has ever done for me.

It was so thoughtful.

♪ You give me goose bumps, baby ♪

♪ Whenever you look at me ♪

♪ You give me goose bumps, baby ♪

♪ When you say my name ♪

♪ When you say my name ♪

-♪ You give me goose bumps, baby ♪
-♪ When you say my name ♪

♪ When you say my name ♪

♪ You give me goose bumps, baby ♪

♪ Can you say my name? ♪

[narrator] Well, just like the time

I suggested my girlfriend and I
have an open relationship,

we're headed straight for an epic dumping.

[phone chimes]

-I got a text!
-Oh, my God!

it's a wonderful night for a dumping."

-[all gasp]

"Sophie is on her way.

Oh, my...

Oh, my God.

That's all right.

-At least I met you.
-Yes, that's very true.

[narrator] Peasants, prepare your feeble
minds for a most dangerous liaison.

It's the she king of the island fling,

the lady sheikh of make or break,

our Cleopatra coming at ya,

it's time to bring on the Monk!

Everyone's a little on edge

because everyone is keen to stay
to the end now.

There's just, like, so many memories
in here together.

And if there's an opportunity
to make more,

I would absolutely love to do that.

Obviously, I want to stay in here,

because it's so nice being able to spend
every day and every minute with you,

but... it's a tough one sometimes.

[Matthew] I feel like, the more time
Cartier and I spend in here,

the more time we're going to grow
as a relationship.

If we'd left yesterday,
we wouldn't be at where we are today.

I wanna see where we're at tomorrow.

Where are we going to be at tomorrow?

Even better, even stronger.

The thought of going home is real
and it's sinking in.

Just one more day together
before we go back to chaos.

I'm just really nervous
because last night was a bit of a scare.

I don't think I'm ready
for it to come to an end.

It's different in the villa.

[Jessie] You're in this bubble
and you can really focus on each other.

And any day we can have of that

is gonna help us
be a stronger couple on the outside.

♪ Tell me you hear it ♪

♪ Like all the voices in my head ♪

♪ I try and believe it ♪

♪ Like every lie she ever said ♪

♪ Go strike a match ♪

-[rain pattering]
-I feel really good about us.

But you just never know, like,
what might happen.

-You know?

We've got four couples who are all strong
in their own individual ways.

So, everyone obviously
deserves to be here.

Whoever goes home will be a shock.

welcome to the most important night

of your Love Island experience so far.

Tonight is the final dumping.

By the end of tonight,
three couples will enter the grand finale.

And one couple will be dumped
from the villa.

Anna and Josh, Cynthia and Aaron...

Cartier and Matthew, and Jessie and Todd,

you're the final four couples.

Tonight, the only question is,
who will be the final three?

Anna and Josh,
I heard you made it official today.

-Yeah. [chuckles]

-[Sophie] Congratulations.
-Thank you very much.

-Anna's got a boyfriend!

I do. [laughs]

I'm excited.

-Was it sweet?
-Yeah, it was so cute.

As you can see,
there's lots of petals still.

-So, he's Mr Romantic.

What about you, Josh?

I want to stay here as long as possible
and spend every hour I can with Anna.

But if it's our time tonight,

I'm walking out with what I came for,
I'll be happy.

Jessie and Todd,
did you see yourselves here?

Not really,
if you're looking back at the start.

But I'm glad we're here.

-Jessie, you were in the bottom two.

Why do you think that was?

We're more playful
and we could be seen as not as serious.

But in a way
I know that we're so good together

and I'm really happy.

If we stay, we stay, if we go, we go.

Okay, guys,
you've all been amazing to watch.

And I wish you so much luck together
once you leave the villa.

And for one couple that time has arrived.

Can you all please stand up?

[suspenseful music playing]

Australia is now in complete control

of who stays and who goes from this villa.

In no particular order,

the first couple that are safe tonight

and into the grand finale...


Cartier and Matthew.


Cartier, how are you feeling?

-Yeah, I feel extremely happy. [chuckles]

Yeah. I'm over the moon.

It's a pretty cool buzz to know
that people are loving your relationship.

It's good to see Australia can see
we've moved out of the friend zone.

-Yeah, we're definitely vibing each other.
-[both laugh]

Well, congratulations to both of you.

Here we go, the next couple...

that Australia wants to see
in the final three is...

Anna and Josh.


-Anna, how are you feeling?
-A sigh of relief.


I'm, like, so happy to be saved.
It feels amazing.

And, Josh, you've got a girlfriend
and a grand finale appearance in one day.

Yeah. Whatever happened today
was going to be our day.

But super grateful to be seeing Anna
for two more days.

So, yeah, super happy.
Thank you to Australia for that.

Well done.

Okay, Jessie and Todd...

and Cynthia and Aaron...

can you please come and face the group?

This is déjà vu.

Jessie and Todd and Cynthia and Aaron,
two amazing couples.

One couple is about to make
the grand finale

and the other is about to make
their final goodbye.

The couple joining Cartier and Matthew

and Anna and Josh

in the grand finale of Love Island is...

Cynthia and Aaron.

[exhales sharply]


-[Aaron] Good luck.
-[Todd] You're in the final.

[Jessie] I love you, girl.

-It's okay.
-I love you so much.

I love you too, girl.

Cynthia and Aaron, sorry,

I've got to pry you away
and you can take a seat.

Congratulations, guys.


Aaron, that was a massive
sigh of relief there.

-Oh, yeah.


Cynthia, how are you feeling?

I'm just shocked.

-Yeah! [chuckles]

Jessie and Todd,
what a beautiful couple you've been.

It has been so fun watching you, honestly.

Now I get to take on the real world.

How are you, Todd?

I wouldn't change a thing.
I've met someone very special.

-You got what you came for.
-Yeah. Exactly.

How are you feeling, darling?
Are you a bit teary? Yeah?

-[Sophie] Aw.

Aw, sweetheart.

I've just loved being in here.

Honestly, every minute in here
has been amazing.

I really think I've grown
so much as a person.

[breathes deeply]

It's been so amazing
and you guys are just...

I love you so much, I'm going to miss you.

I love you.

I love you, Jessie.

And these are happy tears as well.

They're not just sad.

Well, Jessie and Todd, I do have to say

you've been dumped from the villa tonight.

We'll give you 30 minutes
to pack your bags and say goodbyes.

Cynthia and Aaron,

Anna and Josh,

Cartier and Matthew.


you are the final three couples
of Love Island 2019.

And Australia is about to decide
who's going to win.

Good luck to you all.

I'll see you at the grand finale.

-Bye, guys.

♪ Staring at the night sky
Trying not to wonder why ♪

[Jessie sobbing]

♪ I've never been the one to cry
Since you've got here by my side ♪

I want to take a second
and tell you how thankful I am.

The whole journey, I've always had you

and you really are one of my best friends.

You're a beautiful person inside and out.

A real Cynthia. [chuckles]

Oh, my gosh!

And I'm so proud of you.

Cynthia, you're making it
to the grand finale!

Did you see my face? I was like, "What?"

It's so bittersweet seeing Jessie leave

because she's really been,
like, one of those people

that I could really lean on
and express, you know, how I feel.

Let's high five.

Oh, yeah, ready?

One, two, three...

[chuckles] Sass queen!

I could just always be
completely myself with Jessie

and she could really see me
for who I really am.

I'm so heartbroken
that Jessie and Todd got dumped.

I love them both so much.

[Cartier] I saw a whole new Jessie
the moment Todd walked through that door.

I know that they're gonna blossom
when they're outside.

I don't think this is the end for them.

♪ I will light up the stars
Light up the stars with you ♪

♪ And be fine ♪

♪ I will light up the dark ♪

Can we have a group hug?

-[all] Yeah!
-[Jessie] A group hug!

-See you, guys!

[all cheering] Bye!

[clicks tongue]
It's devastating to leave the villa.

But at the same time,
I'm leaving with her,

a pretty special person.

When I first came into the villa,
I was a lost puppy.

I had no idea what love was.

I've come out finding this person

that just makes
all this relationship stuff,

all this love stuff look so easy.

♪ I'm gonna light up the stars
Light up the dark for you♪

Yeah, here we go! [laughs]

Off we go!

[theme music playing]

Love Island Australia: Season 2, Episode 27 script (2024)
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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.